The Church has long since criticized itself into irrelevance. The nation is a farce masking a neoliberal economic machine milking tax cattle of their labor. Ethnic pride and solidarity is a distant, distasteful memory. No-fault divorce and the State-as-provider has surrendered childcare to the ever-increasing percentage of crime factories known as single mothers. Average testosterone levels have fallen precipitously for decades, though whether this is a result of modern standards of living or of the xenoestrogens pissed into our drinking supply remains to be seen. Dick remains as free as it has always been, but now the pussy market is flooded and crashed thanks to Tinder and readily available birth control. A post-industrial, post-scarcity, post-human-labor society leaves no need to hunt or kill or conquer.
Where does the modern man find himself? A savannah ape bereft of all tribal affiliation, atomized to the all important individual, without God or Country or Race or Family, with even his base biological instinct blunted with sugar and weed and porn.
We used to hunt mammoths by scaring entire herds off of cliffs; in Africa today, bushmen still hunt Kudu by running them to death. Sulla put 1,600 Senators and equites to death upon his return to Romeā¦if Thanos doesn’t get what’s coming, I say we put West Baltimore to the sword.